Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 2010


I was able to slightly get back on track this month thanks to a few things...

One -

Margaret and I signed up for Weight-watchers. I know that most of you who know my wife will know as well as I do, that she did not need to lose any weight... as it turns out, her goal was 5 lbs. She has lost 8 lbs and is on her way to a "lifetime" status with them... that means that she will be a lifetime member of weight-watchers so long as she does not gain anymore than 2 lbs of her "goal" weight! I am so proud of her... she has done way better than me.

In the meantime, the people at weight-watchers suggested that I meet with my physician to establish a "goal weight" that is healthy... I am not on any of their charts. I have done pretty good so far... I have lost about 7lbs - unfortunately that was all in the first week, and I think it was in part due to the fact that I realized diet soda was "zero" points... so I switched and dropped some good weight that first week. I have not done so well with the "point counting" since, but it has been a tremendous support to have Margaret doing the program with me... not only is she setting a tremendous example... but she is more careful about what we eat for dinner and lunch and is more aware of what I need to be avoiding. We have much "healthier" snacks in the house now.

Two -

My backyard workouts have been helping as well. There is something to be said about manually shoveling 10 tons of gravel in 90 degree plus heat! To be honest... I have had to shovel more than that since I had to move one of the 5 ton piles only to shovel it again down a shoot to the yard level! I have about 3-4 wheel barrel loads left... but not to worry... I need more, and I am going to have to shovel and wheel barrel the next load around the garage to the back yard... yippee! Not to mention that I have about 15-16 tons of compost waiting for me in the dead end next to our house. Some of you may think I am exaggerating those numbers, but I calculated the amounts by the cost per ton at the dump and the stoneyard... I wish I were exaggerating, but I am not. I also have to manually backfill all the retaining walls once they are built, which to be honest... I was hoping to be much further along by know. Part of the problem was that once I excavated our backyard, I realized just exactly where Sandy City got its name from... "SAND" and I mean lots and lots of sand!!!!

I will post some pictures so you can see, some of the sand is fine enough to be used in CJ's future sand box!

Setbacks for June -

Stress - still working on curbing this. The job hunt is not helping. There is just nothing out there right now, so things are getting tighter and tighter... which is creating more of this weight preventing agent!

Sleep - or I should say the lack thereof (witnessed by the time of this posting), I have not slept well for weeks. This is a double edged sword, it makes me so tired and exhausted the next day that I am not as productive in the yard, which leads to more "stress" and then leads to more "no-sleep" this is a vicious cycle, one that I am seeing a counselor for, and am hoping to turn around... but it will take time.

I will post some more photos, I am glad that I lost weight this month... that is a definite improvement!

Current weight - 290 lbs

For those that might be confused - Weight-watchers weighed me in at 297, I think I transposed last months weight of 289.. it should have been 298! Still hoping to get to my year long goal of 2 lbs a week... about 30 lbs behind that goal... but am taking it one pound at a time.