Friday, January 15, 2010

I was watching the latest season of the "Biggest Loser" on NBC and I realized that there was a lot of wisdom to what Bob and Jillian were recommending...


They kept preaching during the first couple of weeks that you need to weigh-in, in front of all your friends and family. I never really thought of doing this, but it makes sense... once you put yourself out there, you realize exactly how the camera makes you feel... it motivates you to GET UP and start doing something, instead of just talking about it!

I have struggled with weight my entire adult life... I cannot recall a time when I didn't have a "gut" - This is something that I am realizing that I HAVE to change. I am watching my little boy's grow up so fast... and I want to be there for them, I want to be a good husband and Dad to them. But in order to do that, in order to love them to the fullest extent, I have to love myself first. I have used food as a comfort "drug" for a long time, and I have a serious food addiction. I love conveince food... fast food... finger foods... fatty foods... you name it... I love it, I love food. But what I have come to realize is that this "love" of food is going to kill me... literally, and it will take me away from the ones I love the most.

Every day I carry around this extra weight, I am shortening my life span... I am wearing out my body at an alarming rate. I do not have any obesity diseases... but I am borderline on just about everything... If I do not get this under control and keep this in check, my boy's will not have a Dad to run and play with.

Recently we have a close family friend that has begun a fight against Cancer in his life... this has made me ponder how precious every moment is with our family. I do not have any major diseases, but I am pledging $2.00 for every pound I lose this year to Cancer research. I know my struggle is nothing compared to his, but I am doing this because he has inspired me to cherish every moment of life we have... for we never know when our time is up.

I weighed in on January 1st at 306 pounds... Holy crap... I am one big fella!

My goal for the year is to break this weight loss campaign down into manageable chunks... so I am shooting for 10 pounds a month, which equates to approximately 2.5 pounds a week. I hope that this blog will give me an opportunity to share my efforts with others and be a format for me to inspire and help others on their same journey towards weight loss. It is not easy to do it alone, and I hope to develop a network of friends to help support me and give me an opportunity to share, support and help them as well.

Let the competition begin...


  1. Hi Barry,
    I am trying to lose as well. Today we had a buffet at school, I ate salads! Friday we start walking indoors and I worked out this evening. I'll go with dad Friday-just keep saying I can do this. Post pictures of your loved ones who need you all over your briefcase, truck, work areas. love,mom
