Sunday, January 24, 2010

How the Journey Starts!

So far I am on track, I am trying to keep myself focused on the weekly and monthly goals. I have twice weighed in under my 10 pound goal for January... unfortunately, I have also regressed back a few pounds. I am within striking distance and need to push hard this last week of January to hit the goal strong for the month of January.

Victories -

I sent a text to Margaret just a last week and said "you would be proud of me... I am at Carl's Jr." you can only imagine how her heart sank to read those last two words! It was the next text that made her proud... "I ordered a salad!" That is a victory, a small one, but a victory none the less.

So far this month, I have made it to the pool twice, and started walking again at work. Although this has not been as consistent as I would like, they are victories.

I have made a conscious effort to eat healthier, I also have Margaret (my loving wife) to thank for this as she has continued to encourage and help me by making sure I eat more vegetables.

Losses -

I am still eating out WAY too much! This is a double edged sword, because even though I have seen some victories in some of the choices I have made at these restaurants this month, it is also putting me in an environment that is riddled with risk of bad choices for me.

I am not working out as consistent as I need to be... I need to get some patterns going and stick with them.

I need to find some other outlets for "stress-relief" this will help tremendously since food tends to be my crutch, or drug.

Overall, it has not been a bad start. I feel upbeat and encouraged. I am once again below the 300 pound threshold, which is nice... but several times this month as I thought about the goal for the year of 10 pounds a month and realized that was 120 pounds for the year... I caught myself doubting my ability to achieve that. I honestly cannot remember the last time I weighed less than 200 pounds! I think it was early high school at best... that has been a long, long time. I have to be careful not to get caught up on that... it can make the goal seem "unreachable" it shouldn't be... but psychologically that is how it effects me. I know at this point that 2 and a half pounds a week is reachable... that is what I have to drive for. Whatever happens at the end of the year will be what it is... for now I am going to focus on...

2-1/2 pounds a week...

Need to eat more salads this week!


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